Monday, March 15, 2010

New Message

You have a Picture Mail from Tiffany Healy



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© 2010 Sprint. All rights reserved.

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Multimedia message

Opinion Devin & Yasiel

Multimedia message

Jason and Zach

-skate an destroy$$

Multimedia message


Multimedia message

Jason and Zach

-skate an destroy$$

Multimedia message

Fact Devin & Yasiel

Multimedia message


Fact yasmine\brittani

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ricky and mike t

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aaron autumn

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

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Fact! It's a fact because you can look at her records to tell how old she is .
CB#: 7577759440

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

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Multimedia message

Fact : Courtney Denise Aurora(women at war)




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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

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Opinion: lion king is Awsome!

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To learn how you can send Picture/Video messages with your wireless phone, visit

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New Message

You have a Picture Mail from Tiffany Healy



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Send and receive Pictures and Videos through Picture MailSM. For more information go to
Please be aware your friends can forward your picture, video, and album share invitations to others or post the unique Web link to your share invitation on any number of sources (e.g. blogs), through which others could also gain access to your online photos. If you have private or sensitive photos you are sharing, please share them only with those you trust.
© 2010 Sprint. All rights reserved.

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required.


This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Multimedia message

This is no longer amusing, dumb tmobile.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Summarizing the News

We all know that reporters get paid to give us the facts, but is every single last word always necessary? Today you're going to decide. We're going to put those spectacular summarizing skills to work - head on over to Tween Tribune and take those skills for a test drive. Here's what I'd like you to do:

  1. Go to Tween Tribune.
  2. Look all around the website and find your FAVORITE news article (not editorial/opinion piece).
  3. Read the article.
  4. Attempt to summarize the article for $5.00 or less!
  5. Post your award-worthy summaries here, as a comment on THIS post!
If you find multiple articles that you think are really interesting, or maybe even funny, then feel free to attempt more than one summary and comment!

What's the Big Idea?

Finding the Main Idea in Gary Paulsen's "Storm"

Yesterday we read "Storm" by Gary Paulsen. You might have learned something from the story, and you might not have, but either way Paulsen intended to get a point across, and that's the Main Idea. Remember, we've talked a lot about the Main Idea for the last week or two, so you shouldn't have too much trouble figuring it out, but just in case - here are a few to choose from:

  • Humans and animals have a special bond.
  • There are many things about animals that humans can't explain.
  • Animals may understand humans better than humans understand animals.
  • Humans can learn from their animal friends.
Your task is as follows:

  1. Choose the main idea that you feel best describes "Storm." If you also read "Where the Heart Is" then you may complete this activity using that story instead.
  2. Provide TWO (2) examples (with page numbers!) from the text that support the main idea. (For example: maybe you read a story that included a dog who, on page 487, ran around the house making sure all the kids were tucked tightly into bed every night before finally laying down in his dog bed. In your analysis you would say that the main idea of the story is that humans and animals have a special bond, and this was proven when, on p. 487, Fido ran around the house making sure everyone was tucked in tight.)
  3. Finally, you will post your analysis (in the format I provided to you on your planning sheet/handout) as a comment on this post. (Please check your spelling and make sure you're using proper grammar/tone. Last time we had a few students forget that particular reminder!)

Once you have finished posting your analysis, please head over to Tween Tribune and complete the activity I've detailed for you under the post above this one, labeled, Summarizing the News.

Monday February 8th

Today we discussed Author's Purpose. We looked at a few examples and you were able to work your way through several websites that focused on that particular skill. If you'd like to continue with any of the activities, the website is available here. Finally, we read "Storm" by Gary Paulsen. Some of you were able to continue on to "Where the Heart Is" as well. Tomorrow we'll examine the main idea in these stories as well as the details that support this idea. You will complete your analysis of the main idea and supporting details and will then post it as a comment following my post.

Homework: don't forget - your REV 6 test is Wednesday!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday March 1

Happy March! You know what that means - just two and a half short months until the Reading SOL! Now's the perfect time to dedicate some of that time we all spend goofing off on the internet to SOL review! I really like this site because it breaks everything down by skill. BONUS: I often take class activities from this site, so you'll be ahead of the game if we ever get to one of these in class! :)

Today we reviewed Fact vs. Opinion - I say "reviewed" because this isn't a NEW skill for anyone. Most of you could tell me what a fact was, but remember that some of you got tripped up when I gave you an example of a statement that was totally false and you assumed it was an opinion. If I say the sky is green that's something that can be proven TRUE or FALSE - so it's a fact (a false one), but a fact all the same.

Homework: tonight you need to make sure to read (just like EVERY night) and get 2 highlighters together for tomorrow's Do Now (Fact/Opinion Review) activity.